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What does the womb mean to you? 

I got interested in the womb a little less than a year ago. I don't fully remember why, but suddenly I knew my next collection and research had to be revolving around the womb, so that's what I did.

During last summer, I started my research by asking people around me what the womb means to them and documenting their answer through video. The inspiring variety in answers became the base for my collection. 

I dived into connecting with my own womb through mediations, excersizes, reading, and listening to others' experiences concerning the womb. I realized that my womb had been calling for me to listen to her, and it was not a coincidence than I got the idea to research this creative energy vortex. 

Throughout this project my womb has been so present in guiding me - however floaty this may sound to some - I felt a connection with myself like I have never felt before. I gained knowledge that I don't know where it came from. More than once it happened that I was working without a clear endpoint, and somehow everything merged together perfectly. I just know this creatrix inside guided me. 

The womb is a space of creation, it is literally where life is formed and I think it's unfortunate that many physical and non-physical womb owners are so disconnected from this sacred space. I believe we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and one another if we would pay more attention to it, as it's something that influences our life so greatly. The womb is more than just an organ, it's the original creatrix and an energy centre in the body that anyone can access, whether you have a physical womb or not. 


I want to invite you to start listening to what your womb has to say. An easy way to start is to sit on a pillow, have your knees out and the bottoms of your feet together. Put your hands on your lower belly creating a triangle, with the ends of your thumbs touching and the ends of your pointer fingers touching. Meditate - take 3 deep breaths through your whole body and sit still a couple of minutes. During this stillness, tell your womb you want to connect and get to know it. Ask it to open up to you. Be patient. It might take a while before she replies, you might have to do this a couple of times. But I can guarantee that if you're really serious about wanting to connect, the womb will let itself be heard and you will gain so much. 

Let's heal ️<3

Emilie vleemingh


The world population is growing fast, and ultimately there must be more living space. I waned to creat my vision of what the world is going to look like in 100 years from now, and I wil show that the people are going to end up living in water.

jeanine sluik


NURTURE is based on the theory of Biophilia. A theory which describes that we, as humans, are intricately linked to nature through our genetics. We cherish a primal love for life and living systems and we seek connection to nature wherever possible. Our connection with nature has been proven to alleviate both physical and mental pain and we experience biophilia through all our senses of which visual stimulation is the strongest.

However, NURTURE focusses on the sense of touch to relieve feelings of stress and anxiety in men. By placing biophilic textures within a relaxed frame of classic business wear in an attempt to reconnect their relationship to nature.

Ruochen cao

The "Error"

Glitches in games will influence the game play, these glitches can be really nasty but sometimes players find the funny way to look at it. For me, I see the glitches in real life the same way. Through this collection inspired by my life as a video game player and game glitches. I wish people could deal the glitches in our life. Live with them, or even play with them.

Maartje bevers


/ˌsɪmbɪˈəʊsɪs,ˌsɪmbʌɪˈəʊsɪs/ Noun


A mutually beneficial relationship between two different organisms in which each provides for the other the conditions necessary for its continued existence.


When Fungi and fashion become intertwined.


What if we could reduce the impact of the fashion industry on the planet by growing and digest our own clothes? Symbiosis is a visualization of a world in which the potential and use of fungi is viewed from a different perspective.

Noah strijbos

My collection is inspired by the transforming landscapes during the climate crisis. The outfits are showing the movement of the tectonic earth plates while walking through these constantly changing world. I focused on making my own textures & fabric manipulation techniques, and combined them with self-made environments in Cinema4D.


I was inspired by the atmorsphere photo’s of NASA and used analogue fabric manipulation techniques to recreate these structues, I used the VIZOO scanner to digitize the fabric samples.

Pepijn Crochunis



A person is both mind and body. The mind makes up our thoughts, memories, feelings and ideas. Whilst the body is the machine we are assigned to use to act on the compulsions of the mind.

Just like any machine, it needs to be maintained to function properly. If we don’t maintain it we can not execute the tasks the mind demands it to do.

An harmonious, symbiotic relationship between mind and body is essential for both of them to thrive.


Looking at the primal needs of the body, warmth, comfort and protection are crucial tools to sustain the bodies optimal functioning.

By focusing on these three aspects we can start to grasp the idea of what the cladding of the ‘machine’ might look like.


Reshifting our perspective to the idea that the body rules the mind and the mind rules the body is the foundation of my concept. Establishing that these are two seperate identities that have an inseperatable relationship makes it easier  for us to view the body as the beautiful machine it is.

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